Isabella's quilt Part III - sewpony

Isabella's quilt Part III

June 09, 2011

It has been a while since I posted about Isabella's quilt. I was expecting the machine quilting to be oh so quick compared to hand quilting, but I was wrong! I am free form machine quilting and it is taking me forever! I can only do it for about half an hour at a time before my forearms ache. That said, it is looking impressive. I just need to be diligent and try to do some regularly.  I love the feel of the quilt, all bumpy and tactile...

I have just thought of a deadline for the quilt - this will keep me inspired to get it done... Issie turns three next month so I hereby pledge to have her quilt completed by her third birthday!

If you would like to see quilt inspiration and progress, go to Part I and Part II.

I am sharing today over at Kootoyoo.

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  1. The fabrics are individually so beautiful. I cant wait to see the 'big picture'. What a lucky girl Isabella is - I would love to have the skills to lovingly handmake an heirloom quilt for my children. x

  2. I have to laugh about setting a deadline. I never did finish smocking my youngest's Easter dress in time. Then my deadline was Memorial Day (last Monday in May). Sad to say it's still not done...perhaps my new deadline will be the 4th of July!

    The quilt is beautiful!

  3. Wow!!! It is gorgeous!!! Really gorgeous!!!

  4. It's looking fantastic, I love how all the fabrics fit together without actually matching. I am yet to try free form quilting. I love how it looks.

  5. Oh I love tactile quilts too and this one is very impressive and I love the fabrics you have chosen. I have a little boy who just turned 3 last month and I`ve just finished hand quilting his quilt. I really like hand quilting but your FMQ looks fabulous! I am following you now as I think I`m really going to enjoy your blog.

  6. wow, it is amazing! I recently had my first attempt at free motion quilting- it does not look at great as this!

    glad to have found you over at Our Creative Spaces, i'm a new follower

    xo em

  7. WOW!! I am totally in love with this quilt - stunning!! Wish you were making it for me!!


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