Some exciting news!!!! - sewpony

Some exciting news!!!!

June 05, 2011

I have some exciting news.......in less than two weeks I will be 'launching' my little children's label.  The name I will not yet reveal - you will have to wait and see....

I love making things for my girls and also for gifts for family and friends and the idea to start selling hatched about five or six weeks ago over dinner with friends.  It is something that I have casually considered in the past, but now the time is right and I have decided to go for it! 

I will be selling on line through a madeit store (not yet open).  I will be selling children's clothing (size 0-5) which will be a mix of made to order, one of a kind as well as some original design softies.  I will also take custom orders.  My store will open on Thursday 16th June.  You will be able to shop directly through my madeit store which will also be linked up to my blog.

Here is a sneak peek of some of my new supplies.......

I am hoping to create a collection for each season, so my first collection is for winter and includes yummy corduroy, denim and wool with gorgeous designer print cottons.  If you are not already a follower on blog please sign up as I will be having a GIVEAWAY on my launch date. 

Stay tuned and thanks for your support!!

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  1. Good luck with your new venture. It's a fun journey. I'll look forward to hearing more, including the name of your new label.

  2. Congratulations, that is so exciting.

  3. Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you have in store! :)

  4. Woo hoo!! Awesome news. Count me in for one of everything ;)

  5. Congratulations and good luck! Beautiful fabrics!


  6. Good luck, hope it all goes well,looking forward to seeing your stock!!

  7. Congratulations! Well done you! I can't wait to see your range, best of luck with your new venture.

  8. Have fun and congratulations!

  9. Brilliant! I was waiting for it... your talents should not be wasted my friend xx

  10. Oh my! how exciting. Go you! Love that you are using your talents and skills to help others. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. N x

  11. Oooo how excitng..cant wait to see the new name.

  12. Good luck Suz! How exciting!!!

  13. That sounds great - wish you fun and success!!!

    By the way the ribbons are not "Japanese" but German - i also do love them a lot ;)

    many greetings,


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