Dress a girl around the world

March 11, 2011

I stumbled across this great cause last week and decided I could make time among my continuous stream of sewing projects for some charity. Dress a girl around the world is a campaign run by Hope 4 Women International. They have delivered 18, 714 dresses so far to needy girls in 36 countries. All the details and patterns for making the dresses are on the dress a girl website. I also found a very worthwhile blog -Kristy posts an assortment of charities that people can sew for.

My pillowcase dress is not strictly a pillowcase dress as I had no cute pillowcases to convert. I used some leftover fabric from a pair of pj's I made my sister and made my own bias binding from the same fabric as the bottom trim. It's a very simple design - one for beginners.

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  1. Suz, that is gorgeous!!!! I love your fabric combination and flower embellishment, just beautiful!!! :) Yay for dresses for little girls!!! Thanks for your super sweet shout out too! Hugs from around the globe!

  2. What a stunning dress. You are about to make a little girl very, very happy. x

  3. Very cute! I like the fabric choice.

  4. Suz, THAT dress is amazing!! As founder of Dress a Girl Around the World I want to thank you for your creativity and love poured into that beautiful dress.

  5. Hi Suz that is a gorgeous little dress , so pretty !

  6. Beautiful idea, gorgeous dress xx


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