Stripey! - sewpony


May 26, 2011

A stipey number made by me and photographed on a sunny autumn morning...

Hilarious! Isabella has kindly posed for me for some pics!! Love the poses.
This top is great to wear as it has a large neck opening which is concealed with the overlapping shoulder seams.

Project details:
Pattern - Ottobre 3/2011, Anchor T - shirt, (sleeves lengthened), cover pattern
Fabric - Stripey jersey from Rathdowne Remnants

I'm sharing today over at Kootoyoo.

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  1. Great shirt and darling little girl. Anything that goes over their head with out them crying is a winner.

  2. So cute! I would wear this myself. x

  3. Very cute little top... got to love stripes on little ones :D

  4. cute top (and child :-P). I may just have to try that pattern.

  5. Love love love these shots! Amazing what you can do with the simplest of things, a wooden fence, a blue sky and a stripy top… and thats before you get to the fabulously expressive model. Too sweet!

  6. Gorgeous top and great model!

  7. Love the poses and I LOVE the shirt. Bold stripes win my heart every time.

  8. I think stripes, as simple as they are, are my very favourite pattern. The top pic is striking.

  9. Very cute (both the top and the model)! :)


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