How to make sweet little baby cards - sewpony

How to make sweet little baby cards

July 13, 2011

1.  Cut 10 x 10 cm square and iron;   
2.  Begin kite fold (iron as you go); 
3.  Fold both ends in to centre;

4.  Fasten mini safety pin through all layers and you will end up with an incy wincy little nappy that looks like this!

Nappy is approx. 5.5 x 3.5 cm

5.  Using craft glue, adhere nappy to piece of nice card ( I used 10 x 20 cm piece to produce 10 x 10 cm square card) and finish off with writing.

Cute hey?! Each card took about five minutes and costs next to nothing to make.  I made one for our friends who just had a baby boy Charlie.  I also made him this...

A little softie made from a sock and some scraps!  I put a little bell inside too so that it jingles when it's shaken.

I'm sharing today at Kootoyoo.

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  1. ooh this bunny is SO cute! I love his little button tail! :o)
    just read your inspiring interview at creating my way to success, thanks for participating in the blog hop! :o)

  2. What a great idea! I am definitely going to make these for my friends who are due any day now... just have to wait and see what colour to make :-)

  3. I LOVE that little bunny!!

  4. Those cards are so sweet and easy, what a great idea Suz.

  5. aww, these cards as so simple but so cute! i will definitely make some (there are a few babies to be born soon). and the bunny is just gorgeous!

  6. What a great idea for a card!! And such a cute sock softie!!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. What sweet cards...love the bunny!

  8. So cute! I love how simple the cards are and the softie is adorable.

  9. The cards are so sweet! Cute bunny, love the little button :-)

  10. Wow, this is a great idea , especially the first one with the little pants :), it is also easy to do it, cause I am not very handy...
    Storage London

  11. So cute and creative. You have great ideas. You should make some video tutorials for people like me :) with tied hands.

    Fred Flintwood

    London cleaner

  12. U la la. These are super cute. Would make an excellent application to all kinds of gift ideas! Thanks.


  13. You really are too clever. I am new to your blog and just totally blown away by all your awesome projects. Those baby cards... 100% inspired. ACE!!!

  14. I love this tute I have used it so many times since you posted it! Thanks!

  15. Hi Suz,

    I was just wondering if you would be okay with me featuring this tutorial over at andsewwecraft.com as a part of our baby week celebrations?

    It's a great tutorial :)

    Amy x

  16. So sweet cards!

    thanks for the tutorial!



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