Flea market finds - sewpony

Flea market finds

October 25, 2011

I love going bargain hunting and have had some success recently at a school fete and little second hand market.  The above little tambourine and buzzy bee were a dollar each from the fete as were these three sweet tops I picked up for Isabella.

My favourite find though was this awesome retro flour sifter.  It reminds me of one Mum used to have (but must have thrown out! - Why would she do that?).  Anyway, now I have my own.   Found this at Wesley Hill market in Castlemaine on a recent weekend away.  Light, fluffy cakes here I come!

I'm linking up today with Her Library Adventures - a new blog I have discovered.

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  1. Pretty things! Guess what - I used to have a pedal-controlled bin with an olive coloured plastic top that had the exact same flower design on the front! Perhaps they came as a set? I disinfected it and used it for years, although I wish I had of kept it when I moved house so I could send it to you! Never mind, you might come across it in an op-shop some day :) Xxox

  2. I Absolutely adore the flour sifter - its fabulous.

  3. Love the sifter - Grandma gave me her old one a few months ago and I love it - very similar to yours but yellow and orange. And a bit rusty.


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