The Emily Button Project - complete! - sewpony

The Emily Button Project - complete!

July 26, 2012

Isabella turned four on Tuesday, and I eagerly watched her open her special present that I poured hours into! The Emily Button project is complete with Emily, Bobble the cat and Mousey the mouse.  I was happy that she tucked them up in their little box and took them off to bed with her.  She let them use her nightlight and carefully placed them up by her pillow to sleep with her.  So cute!

Mousey the mouse is about 7cm tall and I reckon (don't you love that word?!) I matched his body fabric pretty well!

I had heaps of fun trying to get the colours for the characters just right and Emily's pocket is big enough to store many a miniature treasure!  I'm especially happy with her dress/top.  I think she looks best just in her dress, but Issie wants her to wear the top and pants too - like in the book.  If you would like to see how the Emily Button Project progressed, have a look here.

So now my focus is turning toward Isabella's "Royal" party which we are hosting on Saturday.  There will be about 10 -14 children coming in their royal attire.  I am super excited about making the royal castle cake.  It will be my most ambitious cake attempt and I hope it looks okay!  Will post some photos for my next post.

As usual on a Thursday, I am linking up here.

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  1. How lovely! You have done a great job there, I especially like the little cat and mouse, really cute! Your daughter must have been thrilled, I think I'd still like a present like that, and I'm just a little bit older than 4!! :) Have a great party! Julie:)

  2. What an absolutely brilliant birthday present for a little girl!!! As a teacher, I just love that you have chosen to make the characters from a favourite book. Your daughter is bound to love Emily Button and friends for many years to come.

  3. Hey Suz, you've done a great job making Emily, Bobble and Mousey........They look great. I can imagine how excited Isabella was when she unwrapped her present.

    Bobble and Mousey are just soooo cute...

    CLaire :}

  4. Oh my goodness, they turned out beautifully! You are so clever...your daughter will treasure them for a long time! Absolutely gorgeous xxx Claire

    PS. good luck with the cake!

  5. I reckon that is the best gift I have seen in awhile, so cute!

  6. They are just too special, it is so lovely to see such a thoughtful and handmade gift. x

  7. That is such a lovely present. I love their little case too.

  8. you are a very creative dedicated mother...well done suzie. love jules


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