Fantastic Mr Fox (even if I do say so myself!)

September 20, 2012

This is my Fantastic Mr Fox.  I have been waiting for an opportunity to make him after seeing and adoring him in Fiona Dalton's book, Hop Skip Jump.  This is for a friend's baby boy.
He is made from a maroon velveteen and cream wool flannel.  I love wool flannel and I got mine from The Fabric Store on Brunswick Street.  His kerchief is made from a Denyse Schmidt print and his nose is a little felt ball I picked up at 'Wild Purl' in Point Lonsdale on a recent trip with friends.
Fiona's book is awesome,  I have now made Archie the cat and Eddy the mouse, Basil the bunny, Bird in the handKangaroo and JoeyMonkey Man and now Mr Fox!  I hope he is very well loved for years to come!

I am linking up with My Creative Space today.

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  1. He is rather fab. Love the button on his arms.

  2. He is wonderful!
    I'm sure he'll be much loved : )

  3. He's fantastic and very fabulous and would give George Clooney a run for his money. The neckerchief is beautiful.

  4. Very talented. That is one good looking fox.

  5. He's adorable! I love this particular book... just haven't made anything yet!

  6. Aaah! He's so sweet! Well done you!!! I'm off to check out that book right now.....

  7. Oh, he's so lovely! Such a great gift for a baby :)

  8. He is absolutely beautiful, you are so clever!

  9. He came out perfect! I have the book and the fabric to make this pattern, just haven't started yet. I really should!

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