issie top tour - day 5 - sewpony

issie top tour - day 5

November 01, 2017

Today is Day 5 of the Issie top pattern .  Remember, until the end of the tour you can receive 10% off the purchase price of the Issie top by using code: ISSIERELEASE10.  Don't forget you can also now purchase the pattern in Dutch and now also French!!  Thank you so much Ariane for the French translation!! Today three more lovely ladies are sharing their Issie tops!   Today I am very happy to introduce Lindsy, Eva and Dagbjort along to show you what they've sewn up with the pattern.

Lindsy is a new to me blogger/ IGer who I was lucky to have in the Issie top testing group.  She is from Belgium and blogs at Stannel.  She sews for all of her family including herself and her husgnad. Her daughter is so spunky and Lindsy made some gorgeous Issie tops!  Doesn't her daughter look stunning in this blue Issie top? She also made her an awesome sparkly one that she will be sharing soon.  Thanks for your help Lindsy!

Eva lives in Belgium. She blogs and has an IG account - With love by Eva. She is only in her early 20's but is as passionate about sewing as women twice her age. She sews for herself and makes beautiful things.  When she sews for children, she usually sews for a little girls she babysits for.  Today she is sharing an Issie top she made for a special little girls she met recently.  Ellis is only two years old and is undergoing some serious treatment for an illness she has.  Eva was telling me that Ellis' Mum had recently developed an interest in sewing.  She was looking for a top pattern with ruffles and Eva told her she knew just the one!  So this is the sweet top she made for her new little friend made from some gorgeous new Lotte Martens fabric.  Thank you so much Eva and for being a great friend!

Lastly is Dagbjort from by Dagbjort in Norway! Dagbjort was born in Iceland (exotic)! and sews beautiful things for her kids and herself. Dagbjort has four children aged 6-21 years and sews mostly for her youngest daughter.  She helped me out on the Cosmo dress tour and I was lucky to have her in the testing group and made three tops during testing! She let her daughter choose this sweet ladybird fabric and the fit of this top is perfect on her! Isn't she a sweetie? Head over to by Dagbjort to see more of this gorgeous top!  Thank you Dagbjort!

MONDAY 23/10: anaaisID//frl.love//naaisgerief//
WEDNSEDAY 25/10: VINK//amore//MeToezie//
FRIDAY 27/10: Beletoile//Flaflinko//Froleintilia//Ariane//
MONDAY 30/10: Riddersenrozen//128//
WEDNESDAY 1/11: WithlovebyEva//ByDagbjort//Stannel//

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