November 08, 2017

It is the second last day of the Issie top tour today...I hope you have enjoyed seeing all the wonderful tops and dresses! You can purchase the Issie top pattern HERE. Use code: ISSIERELEASE10 to receive 10% off your order (expires this Friday). Today I have Marieke, Emi and Debora along sharing their beautiful Issies!

Marieke is from Netherlands and sews wonderful things for her family. She blogs at Creative Catoo and has an IG account called: Fabricandthemachine.  Marieke was the third place winner in my Dressed in sewpony sewing contest with this beautiful Tic tac toe dress.  Look at this stunning Issie top she has made in gold and black. Head over to Marieke's blog to see more!!

Emi lives in Japan and blogs at Just Add Fabric and has a beautiful IG account here! Emi is a lovely lady who is always bubbly and also very funny! She sews gorgeous things for herself and for her two sweet daughters. She has a soft spot for knit fabrics so knew she would be the perfect person to ask to join in the Issie top tour! She has used the cutest banana fabric to make a hacked Issie dress! Can't wait to see more! 

Debora is from Belgium and shares her creation on her blog Case & Nina and also on her IG account here.  Debora helped me during testing or the Issie top and has made even more Issie tops/dresses than I have!  She has sewn many for her young daughter...and today you see, also for her son! How cool!!  He looks super cute in his Issie top!!

Thank you Marike, Emi and Debora!

MONDAY 23/10: anaaisID//
WEDNSEDAY 25/10: VINK//amore//MeToezie//
FRIDAY 27/10: Beletoile//Flaflinko//Froleintilia//Aria
WEDNESDAY 1/11: WithlovebyEva//ByDagbjort//Stannel//

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