catherine cardigan tour - day 9 - sewpony

catherine cardigan tour - day 9

March 09, 2018

Today is the last day of the Catherine cardigan pattern tour. I hope you have enjoyed all the lovely cardigans that have been shared. I certainly have. Until tomorrow, you can still receive the 15% discount with code CATHERINE15. You can purchase the pattern in English and in Dutch in the sewpony shop.  Today's lovely sewers are Marjolein, Sylvia, Rineke and Lindsy.

When I saw Lara's cardigan, sewn by her Mum Marjolein, I was so happy! What a pretty cardigan! Marjolein blogs at Flaflinko and has been a great supporter of sewpony over the past 12 months or so.  Marjolein has helped me with testing, sewing, proof reading, photography and just being great!! The Catherine cardigan she made for her sweet daughter Lara was made from a light weight knit which allows it to be worn as a blouse too!  Marjolein lives in Beligum with her husband and three kids and if you don't follow her already, you will love her blog and IG! See more of her cardigan here.

Sylvia is another fantastic sewer who I have followed for a couple of years now. She is also Belgian and blogs at Lily en Woody and shares her makes on IG too.  Sylvia sews for all the family! Herself, her two kids and occasionally her husband too.  She helped me with testing the Catherine cardigan and used some gorgeous See you at six French terry fabric.  She made a gorgeous matching skirt to match and has been waiting weeks to share these photos! Head over to Sylvia's blog to see more!

Rineke blogs at Plus2is5 and has also helped me with testing several sewpony patterns.  She is a great seamstress and has always provided invaluable feedback to improve my patterns. Rineke sews gorgeous things for her twins who have just started kindergarten. As well as this sweet cardigan, you can also see the one she made during testing that she shared on her blog.  I can't wait to see the front of this retro style swan Catherine cardigan...it looks so cute!!

Last but not least, is Lindsy from Stannel.  I connected with Lindsy when she tested the Issie top pattern for me and she has since also helped with testing the Catherine cardigan. Lindsy is a great sewer and her daughter makes everything look great! She features on the new Lotte Martens campaign for their latest fabric line. Today Lindsy is sharing this stunning cardigan over on her blog. Go check it out!!

Thank you Marjolein, Sylvia, Rineke and Lindsy!! These cardigans are all fantastic!

Click on any of the links below to see the Catherine cardigans shared on the tour!!

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