Buttons...just because - sewpony

Buttons...just because

May 15, 2011

Just took these photos for fun this morning.  My button stash is getting quite impressive and Issie and I managed to line these all up and take some pics before Juliette woke to destroy them!

I love butttons...and I love these little pics of Juliette in Hoochie Coochie this morning - making herself comfortable on a sweet pink chair!  Ooh, I could just eat her up!! (As Grandma would say...)

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  1. I love all the buttons, great colors.

  2. I once bought a jar of buttons from an loder lady at a yard sale. I was going to make one of those button frames, but I love looking at the buttons so much that I haven't done it. They are all reds and pinks. I keep looking for a jar of blues and greens to go with it!

  3. i used to hate buttons but since sewing i LOVE them.I love all the colours so pretty.

  4. What a fab picture! I LOVE buttons. Great collection!


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