Little bear - sewpony

Little bear

February 09, 2012

I've been eagerly checking the mail box this week awaiting a package to make our baby a cocoa coloured teddy bear.  Each time I've opened the letter box and have only found bills and catalogues, boo hoo.  In the meantime, I decided to finish off this little bear that I started a while ago with some leftover mohair from my sister's stash.  He is about 13cm tall and is very fuzzy and cute!  He is sitting on baby's bookshelf and is looking very at home.  Apparantly my mohair is waiting for me at the post office so I can collect it tomorrow and get started! 

I'm linking up today with Our creative spaces.

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  1. Wow! Can't believe you made that teddy. He's gorgeous!

  2. He is adorable. Looks very much lik he needs a hug.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Oh my GOODNESS!!! That has to be the cutest teddy I've ever seen!!! You're so clever to make something like that!!!


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