Knit, knit, knit!!! - sewpony

Knit, knit, knit!!!

April 12, 2012

Our Easter weekend consisted of lots of sitting, drinking cups of tea, cuddles with baby, pondering, eating chocolate, sharing wonderful meals, managing eight children (ours plus five cousins) and knitting! Two of my sisters, My Mum, Mother in law and myself all had our needles out and enjoyed the calm that comes with the repetitive knit and purl...
The knit fest was fuelled by three garbage bags filled with wool that was given to my Mum from a once ambitious knitter who had lost her crafty mojo.  A lot of the balls were acrylic but there were a few gems amongst the bags, which included this Jade and cream which I intended as a beret for Emily.  But, since the hat turned out a lot bigger (the jade was actually 12 ply, not 8 as I thought) so now Isabella has a new hat!
My current wool works in progress are:
- A navy and pink striped teeny tiny cardigan for Emily
- A rustic old fashioned V-neck vest for Juliette (from three bags full)
- A pom pom bunting (from three bags full)
Easter also included lots of this!

I'm linking up today with Our Creative Spaces.

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  1. what a pretty model you have
    like the nice warm hat

    bless your little one

  2. What a cute hat!
    And you have the sweetest littles ever!!!

  3. so adorable ....especially the last.
    What a treat to have all those women close to you. I have 4 sisters and neither of them have a creative bone in their body....enjoy


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