kcwc: Day four - Blue stripey dress - sewpony

kcwc: Day four - Blue stripey dress

October 11, 2012

I am super happy with my day four efforts.  This dress turned out really well and was fun to make.

In true Melbourne form, the weather today was typically unspring like and very windy.  This was the only shot I got of the dress sitting still.  Too cold to photograph my delicate model outdoors, we opted for the loungeroom...

Project details:
Pattern - Happy Homemade Vol. 2, View R, Size 4.
Fabric - Brushed cotton blue stripe.
Cost - $14 per metre - only used just over a metre.  Buttons are vintage from my stash.
Time taken - Exactly one hour of sewing time.  Having finished the green spotty dress yesterday, this one was a lot quicker as the patterns are similar.

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  1. That's gorgeous! I love the seaside stripes and the little ruffles.
    You have THE cutest models to show off your makes!

  2. Lovely dress and fotos. May daughter has an 'R' dress, too :)

  3. You made this?! It is so adorable! looks great :)

  4. Hey Suz,
    I love this dress, I am wanting to make a similar one. Looks great xx

  5. It's fabulous! I would wear something like this myself! Super cute model too. :)

    PS. Thanks for your comment too. The handmade Christmas ornament swap sign up is on the blog today if you want to join in.

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