kcwc...I'm in - sewpony

kcwc...I'm in

October 06, 2012

I check out elsie marley's blog every now and then and was having a look the other day and realised that I might be able to join in on one of her biannual sewing challenges: sewing for children for one hour a day for seven days.  kcwc, or kids clothes week challenge has run for a couple of years apparantly and sounds like a cool way to get inspired by and share with others.  I pondered over whether I might be able to manage the commitment with three little girls plus a 500 + page book (The Book Thief) to read for my book group in under a fortnight.  Anyway, I decided to give it a go! I'm excited.

I jotted down some ideas and have come up with the following plan:
  • Pattern tracing and cutting and fabric cutting (1 hourish - a new word)
  • 2 bibs with home made bias for Emily (I hourish)
  • 1 short sleeved night ie for Emily (1 hour)
  • 1 cotton dress for Juliette (1 hour)
  • 1 cotton dress for Isabella (1.5 hours)
  • 1 three quarter length stretch top for Isabella (1 hour) 
I have my patterns chosen but not traced and cut.  The seven hours is to encompass all elements of putting the clothes together (aside from fabric shopping).  I wonder how accurate my time estimations will be.

I am most excited about making this dress for Issie...

Which comes from this gorgeous book...
I love Japanese pattern books, and the bonus with this one is that it is translated into English!
If you are keen to join in the challenge, just click on the kcwc link above or on my buttons bar on the right for details.  It starts this Monday:)

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  1. I am hoping to do KCWC too but I'm worried I won't be able to get it done! I might make a plan tomorrow and see how I go, my girls need some new dresses for summer.

    You will love the Book Thief, once you are into it it will be a fairly quick read because it's hard to put down!

  2. Wow Suz, I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labours...it's going to be a busy fortnight! Good luck and have fun, I love the little dress x Claire

  3. Hi, Your list looks great and realistic (unlike mine!!) I''ve joined KCWC too and am hoping to sew up a summer wardrobe for my almmost 7 year old.

  4. I was thinking about doing this too, I love that book also and always look at it in the shops. Maybe I should just buy it.

  5. Love that dress. And it couldn't be more perfect than in that blue stripe. I've cut out some quite similar style dress to make for Adelaide.

    1. Thanks Kristine . I am excited to make it - bought my fabric today.. I agree, perfect in a soft blue stripe which I found :)

  6. Just stumbled upon your blog Suz, it's lovely. I'm considering having a crack at KCWC as well, but I don't think I'll get through as much as you! I have this book as well and I've had my eye on that exact pattern since I bought it! I might just get something done. Something's better than nothing, right? Good luck!

  7. What a good idea! Looking forward to seeing what you do! That kids' book looks amazing - I'd love all those dresses for ME!!!

  8. ooh i have this book. am yet to start a pattern though! visiting from village voices :)


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