My sewing table - sewpony

My sewing table

February 06, 2013

For the past few years, my sewing machine has been stationed on our dining room table (most of the time).  This means at dinner time, Stefan has to compete for elbow room with my machine!  That is until my darling Dad bought me a second hand sewing table from their next door neighbours.  Dad spotted it at their garage sale and thought I would enjoy it.   So he and Mum pushed it next door ready for me to collect.   It came full of good quality threads, bias binding, elastic, velcro, sewing machine needles and other bits and pieces.  He was charged a whopping $10 for it...bargain!

This is how it looks unfolded - It is a 'Horn' brand table.  My girls have been having a marvellous time giving their toys 'elevator rides' on the sewing machine lift.  It is a great design with room for my overlocker too.  The side bench on the right also folds out to give extra working space.

Now, the table wasn't always this pretty.  It started it's life looking like this...

Of course I had  plans to pretty up as soon as I got it back to Melbourne.  I set to it with sandpaper and white paint and then pondered over how to tackle the table top. Because it flips out and rests on the cupboard tops, the area of contact wore the paint right off.  I considered colourful contact but thought my choices in that area would be limited.  So we took a trip to Patchwork on Central Park (any excuse), and among other things, I bought this beautiful floral (no name on the selvage - sorry).

I carefully measured and cut the fabric then stuck it to the table top with a thin, even layer of wood glue.  I then covered it in clear contact to make it more durable - and also cleanable.  The handle colour I mixed up myself to match the fabric.  Just white house paint with a dash of red and blue poster paint from the kids' craft supplies!  After painting, I gave the whole unit a spray of varnish.

I'm very happy with how it turned out and also glad to reclaim a bit of space on our dining room table.  Now their's more room for folded washing, newspapers, kids' craft stuff....oh, and plates, knives and forks!

My dollhouse miniature giveaway is open until Sunday night if you want to enter!

Post script:
Sadly, Patchwork on Central Park are phasing out their American patchwork fabrics.  They have found their sales have gone down lately due to people tending to buy these fabrics on line.  They are going to be stocking more liberties and linens.  But on the up side, all their quilting fabrics are on sale until they sell out.  Forty per cent off if you buy a metre or more, with an additional ten per cent off if you finish the bolt.  Man I love that shop!

Linking up here today.

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  1. I've never been to Patchwork on Central Park. Might have to visit ;) Love how you've painted the Horn cabinet - I nearly bought one then I ended up getting a desk from Ikea. So great to have your own space instead of having to pack everything up every time you want to eat at the table!!

    1. Hi ros,
      Patchwork on central park is my favorite fabric shop although the shelves are not as full as usual. Worth a look before all the good stuff sells out!

  2. Wow, what a great sewing table! You are lucky to have it:) And great job on the revamp!

  3. Love the table - you have done a fab job of doing it up!

  4. What an absolutely amazing buy - for 10 dollars!?! Well done to your dad!!!
    And what a super re-vamp! I love the white with the pretty bits!

  5. awesome table! I love how you fixed it up.

  6. I'm so jealous! What a bargain and I love what you've done with it.

  7. It looks just gorgeous, closed up and when in operation too. Great find, perfect make-over.The colours remind me of my childhood bedroom!

  8. wow that really is a bargain, i have a horn sewing table but i got mine from spotlight so it was a lot more expensive than that but i think they are great and you can never have too much storage i say

  9. great sewing table re-do! fabulous colours and how marvelous that it all can just pack away! xx

  10. That is an amazing little compact sewing table! I love the way you redid it all cute :)



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