Summer sewing/making review - sewpony

Summer sewing/making review

March 01, 2013

I have been quite prolific this summer and thought since today is the first day of autumn, I should report on my summer 2013 sewing/making list.  I wrote this list at the beginning of January this year and it has been sitting for all to see on my sidebar.

1. Circle skirts for Issie and Juliette - done.

Blogged here.

2. Leotard and tulip skirt for Isabella - have made the leotard but not the skirt yet. 

Issie started ballet three weeks ago and I decided to have a go at making her uniform to save some cash.  The shade of lilac I found is not quite the same as the recommended uniform, but Issie's teacher said it doesn't matter, so I should just let it go too and be happy with my creation (I have considered trying to source new fabric and have visited a couple of shops with no luck).  Anyway, the colour of her's is nicer than the muted mauve, so there.
I drafted the leotard shape from a pair of Issie's bathers.  I added the chiffon sleeves.  I saved about $25 by making this leotard myself.  Isabella looks so sweet in this little outfit.  Here are a few pics from her first lesson (the other girls are not yet in uniform). 

3. Flowergirl outfits x 7 - work in progress.

Image from here.

My gorgeous sister Buffy (otherwise known as Elizabeth) is getting married in 15 days and my sister Jules and I have volunteered to make seven flowergirl outfits.  Buffy was very easy to please in planning what her seven neices would wear.  I showed her this photo I found on pinterest and she loved it and decided that she would like the girls to wear something very similar.
A sneak peek of the tutus with contrast sashing. 

4. Geranium dress for Isabella - done.  I ended up making three dresses using this pattern.

Blogged here and here.

5. Wedding outfit for me - abandoned!

Until yesterday morning, I was going to make an outfit for myself to wear to Buffy's wedding.  I was lucky enough to be given a sewing mannequin and a bag of fabric from a friend's Mum who was moving house a couple of weeks ago.  Inside the bag of fabric was a piece of silk chantung - torqouise and jade (double sided).  There was just enough to make a strapless, knee length dress.  I had the pattern and washed the fabric to try to remove the lovely napthalene scent (moth balls).  Even after washing and drying all day in the summer sun, the smell was still strong.  Mum doubted whether we would get the smell out, then also realised the colour was almost identical to the dress colour my older sister will be wearing.  So, two good reasons not to go with that idea.  We headed to the shops and I picked up a dress that was massively reduced and is really nice.  Will post some pics of the wedding in a few weeks. 

Quite relieved that this one is off my list!

6. Complete dollhouse renovation - done.

Blogged here.

7. Complete Juliette's quilt (maybe) - work (still) in progress.

A lot of little squares to go!

These were also among my summer 2013 projects though they were not on my list and were pursued on a whim...
My Autumn to do list:
  • Complete flowergirl outfits
  • Complete Juliette's quilt (for real)
  • Complete scrappy quilt that I started two years ago!!
  • First birthday gifts for Emily - Perennial dress, stretch tops and a softie
  • Stretch denim jeans for Isabella
  • Washi tunic for me
  • Perennial dress for my neice Lucy
  • This Burda smock dress for Issie or Juliette
Image from here.

...and whatever else takes my fancy in the coming three months!

What's on your to do list??

I decided to start a sewpony facebook page.  It is very uneventful right now but you can check it out here!

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  1. It's so strange to see you write end of summer when we still have snow on the ground and are waiting for spring... You've made lots of cute stuff this summer. I hope to start sewing some for my little girl soon and I am inspired by your work:) Just need to figure out thay serger I bought in November... Good luck with you autumn goals and look forward to seeing them!

  2. I am so glad I found your blog a short time ago. I am always inspired by it. I can't wait to see the flower girl dresses.

  3. Wow! What a busy summer you've had! And what fantastic projects!!! I love that photo of your flower girl inspiration, and can#t wait to see how yours look!!!
    Looking forward to seeing what Autumn has in store at sewpony.....

  4. The ballet leotard is beautiful, i love the sleeves and i cant wait to see the bridesmaid dresses. Your quilt is really lovely too-you have achieved so much, so good to have a plan and a list sometimes x


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