The Little Betty top BLOG TOUR: Sews and Bows//Emma en Mona - sewpony

The Little Betty top BLOG TOUR: Sews and Bows//Emma en Mona

January 17, 2014

Here is the last blog tour post for this week.  The Little Betty  tops so far have been fantastic! Today, I have Amy from SewsNBows and Griet from Emma en Mona showing you their loveliness.  You can buy my pattern HERE

Amy from SewsNBows makes cute clothes for her sweet little daughter - have a look at this Sally dress, plus accessories and dolls clothes!  Her daughter must love all the things Mummy makes!  Amy made up a sugary sweet Little Betty in pink and purple - every little girl's dream! Thanks Amy!!

The lovely Griet from Emma en Mona won the most recent series of Project Run and Play (which is currently running it's ninth season).  Her signature style look was phenomenal! She sent me a very sweet 'condolence' message after I was 'sent home'.  Since then we have visited each others blogs more often and I love her style.  When Griet signed up to test my pattern, I was pretty excited as everything she makes her beautiful twins is awesome.  Have a look at this sweet horse dress!  Griet blogs from Belgium.  She has a translate button on her blog which is handy (although the translations are often terrible and hilarious!).  I think Emma and Mona must be the best dressed girls in Belgium.  Have a look at her Little Betty below....head over to Emma en Mona to see more.

Thanks so much Amy and Griet!! I can't wait to have a better look.

See you all on Monday for two more days of Little Bettys!

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