Stitched together for Rachel: a bird

July 28, 2014

Do you follow the lovely blog, Stitched Together? I do and have been for the past six months or so. The writer, Rachel is a beautiful sewer and photographer and a busy mother - she has four children and is 39 weeks pregnant - awaiting baby number five.  I received an email a few weeks ago from Victoria (from UK blog, As it seams).  Victoria also loves Rachel's blog and emailed a few other bloggers asking if we would like to contribute a little 'ornament' toward a collective baby mobile to send Rachel.  This is  a tradition Victoria has upheld with several of her expectant friends and is a really nice idea I think.  You can read more about it and see the hoop made by Victoria here.  For my piece, I obviously made a bird. Simple but sweet.  It has a velvet ribbon tail and is made from scraps from this dress I made this time last year. The eyes are vintage buttons.

If you like, you can see the other ornaments made by Nat, Gail, Victoria, An, Heidi, Sanae and Kristin. Thank you for organising this lovely gift Victoria, and Rachel - we hope you and your baby love it!

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  1. this is so sweet of you!! I love Rachel, she is such a clever woman and talented sewer!!

  2. that is really sweet. I lover her blog too. She is amazing!

  3. Suz! I just can't believe this! I really can't! I saw these pop up on Feedly while I was waiting to see my midwife and just got teary right there in the waiting room. Just wow! So, so special. Thank you so much! I love the bird so much! It means so much to me!

  4. Suz, how cute is that little bird??!! Just so sweet...


  5. i love your little bird, suz! so adorable. :)

  6. Such a cutie pie bird, Suz! Love it and its happy vibe :-)

  7. Thanks so much for joining in Suz! I love the way this has come together, all the creations are so different, and yet so lovely and I think will look lovely together.
    I get really nostalgic/broody thinking about a little baby gazing at your bird. It's so pretty!

  8. What a sweet bird, and a lovely idea! Perfect for new babies.


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