A bee dress

April 01, 2015

I made this dress about six months ago for Isabella and am only today finally getting around to photographing and blogging about it. Isabella has worn this dress many times since about September last year.

The fabrics are from the lovely etsy shop, Miss Matatabi.  The bee print is for the Mustang line by Melody Miller. You can also buy it in a denim blue colourway which I think is actually even lovely than this one.  I have forgotten the name of the cream watercolour spot print (oops), but I think it is a lovely match with the bee print.  

I drafted the pattern myself.  I wanted to experiment with the bodice/skirt seam by sewing the skirt on the outside of the bodice to create a little frill above the seam.  I finished the top of the skirt with a small zig zag along the edge before I gathered the skirt.  This method took a lot of pins and I had to be careful to get the seam straight, but it was not difficult. The front bodice is divided with diaganol lines and the back of the dress closes with an invisible zip.

The dress also has big pockets at the bottom - which I frequently empty of bark, feathers and beads before throwing this dress in the wash. The beautiful tree Isabella is standing in front of below is one of our two pomegranate trees.  This one didn't fruit, but our bigger one did - I need to know what to do with pomegranates!

Isabella is sitting on one of our spotted gums in the photo below - it grows horizontally from a cut stump and has created our 'trampoline tree'!

I think Isabella's dimples might break some hearts in the future (proud Mum)...

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  1. This dress looks like it would be so comfortable to wear and the colours look great. Issie is looking more and more like you too. So jealous of your property! Have a great Easter!

    1. Thanks Julie! I am flattered to think issie looks like me! Happy Easter to you too!

  2. Suz, I think you have every right to be a proud mum :) The dress is lovely and yes, pocets are there to collect treasures! The dress is lovely, the skirt sewn this way definitely makes it cute and different. I would love a trampoline tree! our tallest tree has just started peaking over the fence!

  3. Great dress! And love those dimples <3 ! You can make a lovely jam from pomegranates! I just made some for the birth of our daughter! It's sweet and has a beautiful rich color!

    1. Oh wow thanks Kelly jade, I might have to look that up!

  4. Such a cute dress! And a cute photoshoot. I lik what you did with the skirt, adds a nice detail.

  5. I love the dress! Hope you will launch a pattern with it soon :-) Your daughter is beautiful!


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