blue and white - sewpony

blue and white

January 27, 2017


I 'frequent' my local op shops about once a fortnight. There are four in my town and I always check out the haberdashery and fabric section.  I find vintage buttons, zips, patterns and best of all, fabrics! Yesterday I found this gorgeous blue and white striped cotton.  Over two metres for $1.50! It was asking me to turn it into a kinder dress for Emily. So I did.

I love sewing with vintage finds.  Making something that costs only a few dollars is so satisfying, as is transforming a piece of old fabric into something fresh my girls can wear. 
For this dress, I wanted something simple and wanted to mix up the stipe direction. I drafted the bodice from my tic tac toe pattern - extending the sleeve line to create domain sleeves (too narrow on this version).  A simple gathered skirt with big hem and a single button to close the dress at the back.

I was very hasty with this dress. Sometimes, I see a picture in my mind of how I want something to look and I just have to get started right away!  Emily inherits the girls' hand me down saltwater sandals - love them.  

I am happy to be enlightened by an Instagram friend that the coathanger that I bought a couple of weeks ago is a set of wings (not a cloud as I first summised - I don't know why - they are so clearly a pair of wings!).  I let Emily pose with them and give me her best face!  Love her ♥.

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  1. Yay for vintage finds, and this dress is so sweet! The colors are so pretty and make me long for spring already. I love that hanger, too. I would have guessed cloud, too -- if I were to hold it upside down ;-)

  2. Love this dress Suz :) Such a fun little dress. Perfect for kinder and other places :) I too love vintage fabrics. It is very satisfying to make something that is most likely very unique :)

  3. I've got the same salties! They're so great! And a perfect match with the blue and white in the dress.

  4. Oh I LOVE this dress! It makes me long for summer!
    And I can relate so well to your thrifting excitement ;-)

    1. Thank you Marleen! I have inspired by you lately spray painting bits and bobs I find at the op shop!

  5. I love this, it's so stylish and sweet!

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