ILA DRESS - sewpony


April 14, 2017

No doubt by now you have noticed the big Coffee and Thread blog tour?  I have known Olga, the lovely lady behind the Coffee and Thread pattern label, through the blogosphere for a few years now. And she is a super nice and supportive lady. She was born in the Ukraine, but now lives in The US with her husband and four children.  She is an ex school teacher (go teachers) and now also creates PDF patterns! Today is the last day of her world tour and there have been so many lovely creations made using her patterns. Make sure to search #coffeeandthreadtour on IG to see all the lovely things people have made. You can also use the code 'coffeeandthreadtour' to receive 20% off any of Olga's designs today too. Olga is also having a giveaway over on her blog. Enter it HERE.  

Olga has created some lovely designs and since I saw the Ila dress released late last year, I have had my eye on it! So I was excited to sew up the pattern.  I decided to make Emily the dress, since she wears dresses the most, since she is still at kindergarten (preschool).  I found a one metre piece of this retro looking soft cotton at my local op shop and promptly chopped into it to make my first Ila dress. I love white piping and knew it would look great with this fabric. Unfortunately, I began this dress a few weeks ago and only had one sleeve sewn in. When I went to finish the dress a few days ago, I could not find my other sleeve! Since I had thrown out the small scraps I had left, I sadly had to remove the lone sleeve. So I simply neatened and turned the arm scyes toward the wrong side and top stitched - not as the pattern suggested, but I had no choice!   I was also too lazy to fully line the dress to cut neck facings from the neck yoke pieces.  This worked well.

I love the simple lines of this dress, and using striped fabric, is fun to play with the direction of the stripes. Emily will be able to wear this dress over winter with a long sleeved navy top underneath. Emily loves her Ila dress although she is dark with me for not including pockets...oops!

Thank you Olga for having me! I hope the pattern tour has been a great success!

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  1. hahahaha I have been in trouble a few times for not including the pockets :) Lovely dress Suz :) I thought I was the only one losing things in my sewing area, so thank you for normalising my experience! My daughter picked fabric for her Ila dress a couple of weeks ago. Not a day goes by when she does not enquire about the progress haha

    1. Yes it can get pretty frantic in there, hence the missing sleeve!!

  2. This is very pretty Suz and yikes, to loose the other sleeve haha. The moral of the story....always finish a sewing project right away haha. I'm glad you were able to find a solution anyway :-)

    1. I know! I am bad and have five half finished things on the go! But isn't that what sewing like mad is all about?!

  3. This is such a sweet dress! Love what you did with the stripes and the piping! I can relate to your sleeve story! I once accidentally threw the second sleeve as well. I actually had to go into the garbage can to fish it out and had to wash it from the coffee grounds. lol Now we are sewing sisters, haha. Thank you so much for being on the tour!

    1. Thanks Olga! Glad I am not he only one! Was going to go through the rubbish but the bin men had already been!!

  4. Love the stripes! I have accidentally thrown out half a sash and facings. Nice save!

  5. This is such a beautiful Ila dress! I think it's great that you're on the last day of the tour and you were (most likely) the 1st one done sewing!

  6. I love how you can always do magic with vintage fabric. And the dress looks lovely sleeveless.

  7. Very pretty! I can totally relate to the sleeve loss story... It happens to all of us..... I actually really like it without the sleeves!

  8. You always select such beautiful fabric for your makes! I love this Ila and think it looks great sleeveless, even though that might not have been your original intention. She looks so sweet!


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