sewpony solids

July 01, 2018

Happy July 1st!  I can't believe how quickly the year is passing by. Today I have four of the sewpony team members sharing their sewing for the new sewpony sewalong theme.  Do you love sewing with solids? I am usually persuaded by prints, but when I do sew with solids, I always love the result. Today Jenya, Fabienne, Anke and Deborah are sharing their creations using sewpony patterns and solid fabrics.  Scroll to the end of the post to learn about the July sewalong prize and the winner of the June sewalong for sewpony floral.

Fabienne has sewn up many of my patterns, and her creations always looks so sweet on her cute little daughters.  She also made a tic tac toe dress in pretty blue silk!!! See more here.

Jenya is one of my best blogging buddies and I always value her advice, her knowledge and her friendship.  She made a super sweet tic tac toe dress for her sweet daughter.  See more here.

Anke is my amazing translator. She has translated almost all of my patterns into Dutch and I am so thankful to her for that.  She has sewn a beautiful bright blue Issie top she is sharing today.  See more here.

Last, but not least, Deborah has sewn a fantastic red Miss Polly dress.  Deborah has helped me test many of my patterns and she always makes something lovely.  See more of her Miss Polly dress here.

This month, the sewalong prize is two unreleased sewpony patterns.  The sewer who receives the most votes from this months judges (the girls above) will win this prize.  Simply tag your creation on IG with #sewponysolids by July 31 for your chance to win.  The winner of the June sewalong was my lovely friend Mijke with her beautiful Issie top

Thanks so much for sewing along and I hope you are excited to join in with this month's theme and maybe win the prize!  Thank you Jenya, Fabienne, Anke and Deborah for your inspiration.

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