Little bunting - sewpony

Little bunting

May 22, 2011

Every little boy and girls' room needs a bunting!  I made this one with scraps from my sewing stash and some yellow ribbon.  I love using my pinking shears (when they are sharp!).  Because these flags are sheared there was no need for sewing until attaching them to the ribbon. The bunting is double sided so that it can hang from the roof too.  (Note: if you have pinking shears and need them sharpened - Spotlight provide this service once a fortnight for $8 - handy!)

Here is Juliette getting cosy beneath the bunting in Isabella's room.  She loves climbing up on this chair and cuddling whoever is close by. 

This is one of my favourite flags - an Amy Butler print.

Since I had the camera out, I snuck in this photo of Stefan and Issie - Daddy is teaching Isabella about corn and they are checking on the spring onions and spinach.  We were watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution the other night and couldn't believe that some 17 year olds in America didn't know that milk came from cows or that eggs came from chooks - they must have missed out on all this!

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  1. Aw, cute pics, looks like you had a cozy weekend. (You just reminded me that maybe my shears need a sharpen too!)

  2. Fantastic. Always love a good bit of bunting!

  3. I want a gardening tutu like Isabella's!


  4. Bunting looks lovely! I'm your newest follower, found you on the sewing group you created on Digital Parents. Am a newbie sewer-blogger, please stop by and see me at mamassewingroom.blogspot.com :)

  5. Sweet bunting, I love the Amy Butler print too.


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