Oh Christmas tree! - sewpony

Oh Christmas tree!

December 01, 2011

I was looking forward to making one of these matchbox advent calendars after seeing my sister's handmade one last Christmas.
Most of the advent calendars you see in the shops are tacky and include no meaningful message about Christmas.
This calendar took a couple of afternoon sessions to make - but was something Issie and I could (mostly) do together while Juliette slept.  Inside each box is a little message or drawing which include: nice things to do; simplified religious story of christmas and also how our extended family celebrates each year.

If you want to make your own matchbox advent calendar, here is what you will need:
  • 25 empty matchboxes (super cheap in bulk if you buy no name).  I wet the empty matches before disposing of them;
  • 1/2 metre of brown paper;
  • 6-8 x 20cm pieces of ribbon/lace;
  • Assorted small buttons;
  • Glitter;
  • I also used damask printed card for the trunk of the tree (number 24);
  • Regular and craft glue to decorate boxes;
  • Blue tac to fix boxes to wall;
  • Star for top of tree.

Can you believe it's already the first of December? The years just seem to fly by.
I'm linking up today with Our Creative Spaces at Kootoyoo.

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  1. It looks fabulous! What sort of things are you putting inside? x

  2. Very nice, it will be remembered much more than one of those yucky chocolate filled cardboard ones. :)

  3. oh, your tree advent calendar is just great! wonderful job!

  4. Oh wow - I love yours - I've just posted my version too

  5. It looks fantastic. 24 looks like a very special day! Can I ask how you are keeping them on the wall? My little paper bags keep falling off!

  6. great idea! that looks fabulous! I think I will have to make one

  7. Fabulous idea and looks great! I might try it using fabric.

  8. Great idea and it looks fav on your wall:) Cyndy

  9. looks so pretty! handmade does make such a difference :-)

  10. super cute -definitely worth the effort!

  11. This is a very nice idea, I think that I should also consider doing it at home!


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