Baby's quilt! - sewpony

Baby's quilt!

January 19, 2012

I am very pleased with how quickly and nicely this little quilt came together.  I cut out the pieces a few months ago and had them stacked in my sewing box for when I had some spare time.  I decided to use up scraps of all sorts of colours, alternating with soft white for our bub. 
The back is a grey and white spot.  I was planning on machine quilting this quilt but since my sister had borrowed my quilting foot, I decided not to wait and to do a tacking stitch with red embroidery thread - I love how it turned out! 
The quilt is just a cradle/floor/pram quilt (80 x 80 cm) as I want to spend more time pouring over fabrics once baby is born and we know the sex!!  I will most likely be using some of this fabric in the next quilt...

For girl...

For boy...

These fabrics are by Sarah Jane Studios - an awesome illustrator who has turned her hand to fabric design.  Cute stuff!

I'm sharing today over at Kootoyoo.

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  1. What a gorgeous quilt! I can see you've also fallen for hand quilting in a big way. I love the diagonals brightening up the white squares and tying it all together!

  2. Oh I love that quilt. Very cute. I hope I could get some energy from somewhere to make a quilt.

  3. This is precious! And I love the Children at Play line too....I'm hoarding mine for now! :)

  4. What a sweet quilt, I love the hand tacking!!

  5. Sweet quilt! Hoep you don't mind Suz but I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. You can see the details on my blog.


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