Humpty Dumpty - sewpony

Humpty Dumpty

April 01, 2012

I've been rather absent from Blogland lately but have a sweet creation to share.  I made this cute little top for Juliette from some great nursery rhyme fabric I picked up at Spotlight last week (for only $10.49 per metre I should add).
I only bought 30 cm of it and another print (The three little pigs) as I was being very controlled and did not have a project in mind. Because there was not quite enough length in that to make a top, I added the red and cream trim to the bottom which I think works nicely!  I traced the pattern from a sweet top a friend gave us for Emily and enlarged it.
Juliette is looking so grown up - I can't believe she will be turning two in a month's time.
The 'big girls' enjoying exploring Montsalvat this morning on an expedition with 'Nanny England' (Stefan's Mum is staying with us for a month visiting from the UK).  We've never visited there before - a really lovely spot for breakfast and an explore around the beautiful grounds.

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  1. Cute top. I love making something gorgeous from only a tiny piece of special fabric.

  2. She is SOOOOOOO cute!!! And so is that top - I'd wear it myself!!! ;-)

  3. Gorgeous! So funny - I just bought the Red Riding Hood version of that fabric yesterday! They are really lovely prints and I love the linen.

    1. Ooh I didn't see the red riding hood one- will keep an eye on your blog to see what you make!!

  4. Suzie Q you are so very talented and your beautiful girls are certainly growing up fast. xxL

  5. What an adorable little top, so lovely.
    So glad you liked Montsalvat, it is magical - I grew up nearby, and got married there too. So special.

  6. Your top is gorgeous and looks lovely on your daughter. I would love to make one for my 2 nearly 3 year old. I am just a beginner sewer so really need a pattern. Do you have one or know where i could access one please. Cheers, Jo


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