Emily's quilt finished! - sewpony

Emily's quilt finished!

June 14, 2012

Yesterday I finished Emily's Children at Play cot quilt.  Here she is looking very happy about the fact!
Emily is still in her cradle and I am planning on painting her cot before she 'moves in' so this quilt will sit folded in her room for a few more weeks.
I snapped away with the camera late yesterday afternoon, trying to photograph the quilt and Emily before the last minutes of sunlight faded...

Although this picture is a little out of focus and off centre, I am quite proud of it as I managed to take it with the camera on self timer perched on our hot water service whilst fending off a helpful toddler and nursing a colicy bub!  I like the 1970's look about it - the perfect little bit of dappled sunlight at that particular moment.
Meanwhile, I have quite a few works in progress that are also keeping me busy.  My scrappy quilt is still in pieces but will be finished in the next couple of weeks (months...), The Emily Button project, as well as a little knitted vest for Juliette...and I couldn't help it but have already started piecing together another quilt - this one for Juliette for her big bed.  She has just turned two and is still in a cot which works for us at the moment as she can be quite cheeky at bed time.
How many works in progress do you have on the go? 

Linking up here today.

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  1. Love the quilt and little Emily is so cute!

  2. Oh dear I don't think Emily likes it!!! Not sure why, it is gorgeous. Great job.

  3. What a gorgeous gorgeous quilt! You really have made the most of the beautiful fabric. Emily's a lucky girl.

  4. I LOVE the quilt!!! The fabrics are just amazing, and the colours are so gorgeous!!! Of course, so is Emily! And Mommy, too!!!
    Happy weekend.....

  5. The baby, the artits and the quilt blanket- amazing combination of love, inspiration and talent. I wonder who exactly is the mastrepeice?


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