The Emily Button Project - Chapter Three - sewpony

The Emily Button Project - Chapter Three

July 04, 2012

This is Bobble.  Emily Button's number one sidekick.  He has been slowly coming together between knitting a cardigan for Emily (and pulling out and re-knitting. Grrr....), making gifts, piecing a quilt for Juliette and having fun on Pinterest (I'm new and I love it!).
I had fun trying to matcht the colours and fabrics and am pleased with how this little guy turned out.  Now I just have to make Mousey the Mouse and Emily's outfits.  You can check out Chapter One and Chapter Two if you would like to see my inspiration for this little cat.

Linking up here.

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  1. You've completely captured Bobble's likeness! Love it!

  2. how cute is that??
    i so love it!!! im following...

  3. super cutie pie

  4. Bobble is purr-fect. Such a good likeness and so cute.

  5. so adorable!! love the fabrics you picked, he's super cute :-)


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