April 1st....Secret Squirrel - sewpony

April 1st....Secret Squirrel

April 01, 2014

Happy April:) Today is my Grandfather's 91st birthday.  We visited him today with cake and he asked who I was.  He has lost lots of his memory but he is happy:) 

April first is also the next stop for Secret Squirrel!  He has travelled across part of the European continent this month after Annika from Nah - Connection in Germany passed on these five acorns to our next blogger....

Neuschwanstein Castle, Elephant, Spring, Jersey, Astrid Lindgren

An and I have had a sneak peak and the outfit looks fabulous...to see who Secret Squirrel has visited and to perhaps host Secret Squirrel for next month... please click HERE.  Remember to leave a comment to let this blogger know you would like to take on the challenge!!

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