Pattern progress - Part II

May 29, 2015

Hi there! I am back with another version of my new pattern (which I have named but am just making sure it is right before I share!!).  This is actually the same style as the first one I shared last year here. You can see my last post with the three quarter sleeve version here. I had re-drafted the collar and needed to photograph the steps for enclosing the bodice, so another extended cap sleeve dress was in order.

I am really happy with how it turned out.  It is so thrilling to put a garment on your child that you have designed from scratch and it fits and looks right!!  Yay!!

I love the fabric too - guess what? It's a vintage sheet! Perfect for a vintage inspired dress!  I used baby pink piping to accent and a couple of old pink shirt buttons I had in my stash for the collar.  

As I said, the bodice is fully enclosed and so the dress looks nice and tidy on the inside too.  Thank you to Jenn for your great technique on sewing the arm scye seams easily to enclose the bodice.  The Verona dress taught me that!! 

The pattern tiles are ready to go, I am just finishing up the instructions and working on the dreaded and laborious pattern layout diagrams, then this baby is ready to be tested!! If you would like to be a tester, keep an eye on my blog and facebook page next week:)

Ok, so there may have been some chocolate bribery going on for these photos!! Saying that, this was not a staged photo...she really was saying that!!

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  1. Love the colors, The shirring in the middle it still blowing me away!

    1. Thank you very much. The shutting is really fun to see come together:)

  2. Very cute! I have some fabric in my stash begging for this pattern.

  3. These photos are all amazingly cute, Suz! And is is the dress! Such an interesting design, as always... Great work!

  4. Looks great Suz - love the collar especially! Hope you are doing larger sizes again...

  5. Oh, this one looks promising! Looking forward to the release already!

  6. Very nice one to! An original new dress ... I think this one will be a hit!

  7. Thanks girls! Julie the sizing will be 12 months - 10 years:)

  8. Love it! This could not be sweeter! And your photos <3<3<3


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