Another Catherine cardigan - sewpony

Another Catherine cardigan

January 22, 2018

Today I am sharing another Catherine cardigan that I finished up this week.  I found this gorgeous texture coral and khaki knit fabric at Spotlight and knew it would look great sewn up.  This view is the long sleeves with the pussy bow.  My petite 9 1/2 year old Isabella is still wearing size 7 in most things, although you will see that her jeans are too short!  We think they look cool this way!  

I finished sewing on the gold buttons this afternoon and so Issie obliged with a photo shoot after dinner. We are lucky to have daylight savings for five months of the year, so it is light until around 9pm.  These photos were taken at about 7.30 while the sun was making it's way down.  

She is pictured here in some of our many, many spotted gums - such beautiful and quintessential Aussie trees. They are my favourite on our property.

Testing is well underway in my testing group and a few cardigans are popping up, which is always so rewarding for me. I hope to release the pattern on Monday 29th January. I hope to share a short sleeve cardigan this week too which is almost done...

When did she become so grown up?

Duchess makes her first appearance on the blog! Our new chooks are having a wonderful life destroying my garden, but they give us eggs and we do love them!

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