

July 04, 2018

Today is the second day of the Finch dress pattern tour.  This week, 12 ladies will share their dresses using the latest sewpony pattern.  Until Saturday 7th July, you can receive 20% off the Finch dress pattern (now also available in Dutch) by using the code: FINCHFRIENDS.  Apply at checkout.  Click HERE FOR ENGLISH, and HERE FOR DUTCH.  Today Marjolein, An, Isa and Muriel are sharing their gorgeous Finch dresses!

Marjolein from Flaflinko is one of my best sewing buddies and she makes AMAZING clothes for her kids, mostly for her daughter, Lara.  I think she has sewn all but two of my patterns so far.  She helped me test the Finch dress with a stunning blue dress and today is sharing another Finch dress in amazing floral. 

An from StraightGrain is another great sewing friend and inspiration. I am sure you know by now that I am a big fan of her sewing and patterns.  Today An is sharing a sweet pink Finch dress she made her even sweeter daughter Ava. I love this colour! Apparently Ava loves her new dress. Head over to An's blog to learn about the happy accident that made her create these little sleeves!  More at StraightGrain.

Muriel blogs at des etoiles et des pois and has sewn up both the French translations I have in the sewpony shop - the Issie top and the Catherine cardigan. She lives in France and makes beautiful clothes! Today she is sharing a gorgeous striped Finch dress. Amazing backdrop too! 

Isa is a superstar sewer and pattern designer at Bel'Etoile.  I have sewn two of her patterns which  my girls love - the Vienna dress and the Isa sweater.  She lives in Beligum and sews mostly for her two daughters - Sterre and Nova.  Today she is sharing an amazing See you at Six Finch dress!  I have just ordered some of this fabric and I can't wait for it to arrive! 

Thank you Marjolein, An, Muriel and Isa!!

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