Issie top #3

August 19, 2018

I'm back to show you another Issie top! I recently helped a friend out with some sewing jobs. She generously gave me some fabric money in return.  I made the grey Issie top from some of the fabric I bought, as well as this one, and another I'm yet to make.  For this top I used a thicker sweatshirt/windcheater type fabric I found at Spotlight.  Since the fabric is thicker I decided to make a plain top without ruffles.  I also copied Mijke's idea for this one and cropped the length of the top (by 8cm) and took a bit off the waist band too (4cm).

I didn't have any ribbing that matched and for some reason, ribbing seems hard to come by in my local fabric stores.  They stock only very basic colours in fine rib.  Spotlight does stock some nice colours in a chunky rib, but I've not had good experiences using this type of ribbing.  I tried making an Issie top for Juliette with one and had to unpick it as the thickness just distorted the whole top and the neckband was impossible to get right.  So I am staying away from it despite the pretty colours!  Instead for this top I used a stretchy interlock I bought (also at Spotlight) a little while back.  It is not quite as good as a ribbing for holding its shape but the colour works so I went with it.

Juliette was my little photographer today.  Too wet for outdoor photos. In my part of Australia we have been getting an incredible amount of rain.  Each year the back corner of our property turns into a little lake.  This year I think it is nearly a metre deep at its deepest.  There's water everywhere! I can't wait for the rain to stop!  Then I can make some summery Issie tops and dresses!!

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