How to make...A drawer runner/book store

April 18, 2011

I had seen an idea similar to this where a 'runner' would sit underneath a bed's mattress and then panels would sit either side of the bed with pockets to store books/ night light and teddies. I thought I would combine this idea with a drawer runner for Isabella's room.  This runner is 30cm by 180cm.  Here is how to make it...

  • Scraps of assorted cotton prints (30 cm height and various widths)
  • 90 cm of calico or plain print (for reverse)
  • Scraps of printed cotton for pockets
  • Ribbon or embelishments for pockets
  • Adhesive velcro dots (hook and loop)


1. Measure the desired length and width or your runner.

2. Cut scraps of prints and plain to fit these measurements. I cut various pieces of print and calico at 30 cm height to make up 180 cm in length (remember to allow for seam allowances).

3. Sew pieces together with 1 cm seams. Iron flat (opening seams while ironing).  No need to zig zag or overlock seams as they will all be hidden.

I varied the prints over the width of the chest of drawers but then used calico at each end.

4. Cut two pieces of calico (30 x 92 cm) and sew together to create a 30 x 180 cm length. Press seams.  You sill end up with two pieces of the runner - the plain calico will be the backing.

5. Cut pockets at various sizes to be placed on plain calico ends to store books and bits and pieces.  Add any embelishments you like, finish raw edges and stitch down tops of pockets.  Fold and press remaining three sides under 1 cm.

6. Pin folded edges to runner where you would like them to be sewn.

7.  Sew 1-2mm from edge around pockets.  Make sure you backstitch beginning and ending of seam securely as the pockets will be carrying weight.

8. With right sides facing, pin and sew runner top and backing together, leaving a 20 cm opening to turn inside out.

9.  Turn runner the right way around and press (also press opening edges under).

10.  Top stitch around entire runner (this will also sew closed the opening).

11.  I placed some adhesive velcro dots on under side of runner and on drawers to ensure runner will stay in place (no pic).


Side one
Side two

Isabella testing it out...Sorry for cheesy smile - this is what happens when I ask her to smile for the camera!

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  1. I love it! Very clever idea and great for using up some scraps. Thank you for sharing that.


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