Waiting... - sewpony


June 19, 2011

Following my 'big announcement' about my label and madeit shop opening on 16th June, I am still waiting.... The company who are making my labels have got it wrong for the second time and printed my labels on bright yellow! The man I have been dealing with decided to make his own decision on what colour the background should be when the colour I requested was not available....Hmmm....not a clever idea.  So I now have 500 labels that I cannot use and none that I can! 

Here is a little snapshot of some of the garments that I will be selling (no dates being set - have learnt from that mistake!).

Meanwhile, while I wait, I am steaming along with Isabella's quilt and think I will definitely be on track for having it ready for (and most likely before) her birthday at the end of July.

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  1. How exciting. I missed your post about the madeit shop. I recently got labels made from and Etsy shop called Mommy Made It (or very similar b/c I can't find details at the moment). They are excellent, but they did take a long time (2 + weeks ) to get here from TX. Can't wait for the grand opening!

  2. Oooog.....we had similar happen to us...except with ours the writing was so feint you could hardly read it...
    Lovely blog by the way

  3. oh no frustrating, hope it has been sorted.


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