A Royal Party - sewpony

A Royal Party

July 29, 2012

When I suggested a "Royal" theme to Isabella when planning her fourth birthday party, she was super excited - mostly about having a castle cake.  Of course I should have taken a better photo before all the guests arrived and I was too busy to take the time, but anyway, here it is.  I spent most of the day on Friday in the kitchen.  The girls and I were up to our eyeballs in cake mixture.  Five x cake recipe = 5 cups of flour, 5 cups of sugar, 10 eggs, 200g butter, 200g cocoa, 1 tablespoon vanilla essence, zest and juice of three oranges and 2 cups of milk to be precise.  The icing was made from cream cheese, icing sugar, cocoa and orange juice.  Issie and Juliette thought it was the best day ever.  Licking beater after beater clean of choc/orange cake mixture. Yum! 

Issie and I worked on moulding the mushrooms, doors, windows, flags and princess from royal icing a few days before which was lots of fun.  I finished the cake Friday afternoon and then had the evening while the kids slept to ice it. Unfortunately by morning, the ice cream cone turrets were looking a bit limp from soaking up all the icing, but they managed to stand up to the heat blasting from our heater on the day and all the kids were still impressed!
Isabella loved wearing her princess dress which I made from a recycled skirt, topped with some apricot tuille. (Note the tissue mopping up a runny nose!)

Overall, I think the Royal party was a success, although I think my birthday princess was a little overwhelmed with a house full of people - 16 kids (plus adults) all inside due to bad weather!

And I have to show off my sister Jules' crafty work.  While I was busy making cake, she was busy making this beautiful gift for Issie.
Knock, knock...
How cute is this??? Two little felt girls in their bed with a chest of drawers full of clothes!

Thanks Jules - such a gorgeous gift!
Isabella still in her dress five hours later, enjoying playing with one of her gifts after a big, big day!
Happy Birthday to my first beautiful girl! x

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  1. I love the little house, with the dolls in bed, and all the little outfits. And the button flowers are so sweet too.

  2. That is a seriously impressive cake!

  3. What a pretty birthday girl!!! And her little dress is gorgeous! Love the colour and the 'floatiness'! That cake is a real work of art, and the little dress-up dollies are soooooo cute - what a brilliant idea for a craft project for a little girl!

  4. Thanks Suz, I had fun making it, although I can't claim it as an original idea. I saw it on Pinterest.



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