KCW: Cats meow skirt - sewpony

KCW: Cats meow skirt

October 27, 2013

Following on from my theme of being a pinterest inspired kids' clothes week, I made Isabella this 'Cats meow skirt', inspired by this pin...

After seeing this image, I knew Isabella would loooooove a skirt like this!! She loves animals and she loves pretending to be an animal - particularly - cats, dogs, rabbits and foxes!! We also have a cat, so making her a cat skirt was sure to be a good idea... 

I made the skirt and showed Isabella.  Her eyes lit up and she wanted to put it on before it was finished.  I quickly threaded the elastic through, finished it off and gave her our cat mask and asked would she mind if I took some photos of her in her cat skirt pretending to be a cat....yeah...she thought she could manage that! 
I used the Oliver + S Sunday brunch skirt pattern and just added ears when sewing the waistband on.  I then hand-stitched the whiskers with 6 strands of embroidery thread and sewed on brown button eyes and a rusty pink button nose (at Isabella' request).  The fabric is a lovely midnight blue velvet which was given to me by a lovely friend.  The pocket lining is a sweet navy and white spot.
Oh yeah...she loves the skirt!  And I have to admit, Issie looks rather Wonder Womanish with her red boots!!
I know this is one that Isabella will want to wear again and again.  It feels good to sew something they love!

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  1. This would have to be the cutest skirt I've seen yet! My Sunny would adore this! SO creative :)

    Sophie xo

  2. Mew mew :) Super cute :) I have seen that pin too (could have been one of your pins?) LM is into cats, maybe I should make her a cat skirt too? Love it Suz :)

  3. I just love cats and this skirt is too cute for words!!!

  4. I've got one that is currently cat obsessed- I can imagine this was a big hit! cute :)

  5. Love it! I've got that pinned and have been wanting to make it for my daughter too, must get started! You've done a great job!

  6. What a crack up! She looks like she was having great fun, and who wouldn't really, with such a happy skirt?

    1. Thanks Ruth! Yeah these photos make me laugh!!

  7. This is SO cute, Suz! Love it. I wish Ania would like skirts more, I would love to make one for her. :)

  8. Brilliant! And I love the cat-like posing!!! :-)

  9. So super sweet!
    I just might have to make one, too for the kitty cat loving little girl in my life

  10. Suz, this is so fun, so sweet! I might just have to copy this for my girls!


    1. Thanks Natalie:) feel free to copy for sure!! I did:))

  11. Suz this is super cute! I haven't seen this pin before and now I need to make one too. My girl would flip for it! Fun idea :)

  12. Ha! Oh, this cracked me up. You can see how much she LOVES it! And why not, a cat skirt....waaaay cool.


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